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Monthly Statistical Bulletin May 2002

Monthly Statistical Bulletin - May 2002




1       Selected Economic Indicators
2       Monetary Survey
3         Bank of Mauritius - Assets
4         Bank of Mauritius - Liabilities
5         Bank of Mauritius Assets and Liabilities: 31 May 2002
6         Class A Banks - Assets
7      Class A Banks - Liabilities
8a         Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities of Class A Banks: April 2002
8b      Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities of Class A Banks: April 2002
9      Class A Banks - Sectorwise Distribution of Credit to the Private Sector: April 2002
10      Class A Banks - Sectorwise Distribution of Credit to the Private Sector: June 2001 - April 2002
11      Components and Sources of Reserve Money
12      Components and Sources of Broad Money (M2)
13      Currency in Circulation
14      Auctions of Treasury Bills
15      Bank Rate and Weighted Average Yields on Treasury Bills
16      Auctions of Treasury Bills: Maturity-wise
17a      Repurchase Transactions: May 2002           
17b      Repurchase and Reverse Repurchase Transactions: December 1999 - April 2002
18      Secondary Market Activity
19      Transactions on the Interbank Money Market
20      Maintenance of Cash Ratio by Class A Banks
21      Cheque Clearances
22a      Principal Interest Rates: June 1999 - June 2001
22b      Principal Interest Rates: September 2001- April 2002
23      Other Interest Rates
24a      Value Range of "Overdrafts", "Loans", "Local Bills Discounted", "Bills Receivable" and "Advances against Pledge of Export Bills": March 2002
24b      Ownership of "Overdrafts", "Loans", "Local Bills Discounted", "Bills Receivable" and "Advances against Pledge of Export Bills": March 2002     
24c      Ownership of Commercial Banks' Demand, Savings, Time and Foreign Currency Deposits: March 2002
24d      Value Range of Commercial Banks' Demand, Savings, Time, Margin and Foreign Currency Deposits: March 2002               
24e      Maturity Pattern of Time Deposits: March 2002           
24f      Maturity Pattern of Foreign Currency Deposits: March 2002
25      Transactions on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius
26      Consumer Price Index and Inflation Rate
27      Gross Official International Reserves
28      Net International Reserves
29      Transactions on the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market
30      Intervention of the Bank of Mauritius on the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market
31      Exchange Rate of the Rupee (End of Period)
32      Exchange Rate of the Rupee (Period Average)
33      Exchange Rate of the Rupee vis-à-vis Major Trading Partner Currencies
34      Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies vis-à-vis the Euro (Period Average)
35      Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies vis-à-vis the US dollar
36      Inward and Outward Remittances of Foreign Currencies
37      Foreign Direct Investment in Mauritius by Sector: 1990-2001
38      Direct Investment Abroad by Sector: 1990-2001
39      Balance of Payments: First and Second Quarters of 2001
40      Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Class B Banks: December 1997 - April 2002
41      Electronic Banking Transactions: December 1997 - April 2002
42      Mauritius Automated Clearing and Settlement System (MACSS): Transactions: December 2000 - May 2002
List of Authorised Banks, Non-Bank Deposit-Taking Institutions, Money-Changers  and Foreign Exchange Dealers as at 31 May 2002


Note: Monetary and Banking Statistics for March and April 2002 are inclusive of the Delphis Bank's