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Invitation for Bids: Redesign and Implementation of a website for Bank of Mauritius

04 March 2015, Bank of Mauritius
1. The Bank of Mauritius (Bank) invites bids in sealed envelopes from eligible and qualified bidders for the Redesign and Implementation of a Website for Bank of Mauritius as described in the bidding documents.
2. A complete set of the bidding documents in English can be downloaded on the Bank’s website at
3. Bidders may send questions, if any, by email to or write to The Chairperson, Tender Committee, Bank of Mauritius, Sir W illiam Newton Street, Port Louis, Mauritius by latest 20 March 2015.
4. Bids must be deposited in the Tender Box B at the address below on or before Monday 06 April 2015 up till 15.00 hours (local time) at latest. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids should be addressed to:
The Chairperson Tender Committee — RFP Redesign and Implementation of a Website for Bank of Mauritius
Bank of Mauritius
Sir William Newton Street
Port Louis
5. The Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope and should contain the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal. The Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal should be separate documents and provided in separate sealed envelopes within the main envelope. They should be marked appropriately as per specifications in bidding documents.
6. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding exercise and reject all bids without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder or any obligation to inform bidders of the grounds of its action.