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Media Release: The Bank of Mauritius and the Economic Development Board sign a Memorandum of Understanding

11 November 2020

The Bank of Mauritius (Bank) and the Economic Development Board (EDB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday 9th of November 2020. The MoU aims, amongst others, at strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two institutions on matters pertaining to economic development and exchange of information.  
The Bank and the EDB will work towards enhancing the offering and the visibility of the Mauritian jurisdiction with a view to attracting high-quality Foreign Direct Investment. The Bank and the EDB will also conduct research for the enhancement of the Mauritian economy. 
The MoU was signed by the First Deputy Governor of the Bank, Mr Mardayah Kona Yerukunondu, and the Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ken Poonoosamy, for the EDB. The signature took place in the presence of the Governor and Second Deputy Governor of the Bank, the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the EDB. 
A Committee will be established to facilitate collaboration between the Bank and the EDB, and ensure effective implementation of the provisions of the MoU.