Table 21: Principal Interest Rates
 (Per cent per annum)
  Jun-98 Sep-98 Oct-98 Nov-98 Dec-98 Jan-99 Feb-99 Mar-99 Apr-99 May-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99
I. LENDING                          
  Bank of Mauritius                          
      Bank Rate 1 9.03 10.17 10.71 11.93 12.19 12.72 12.70 12.60 12.56 12.63 12.66 12.82 12.71
  Commercial Banks                          
  (i)     Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 11.00-13.00 10.50-13.00 10.50-13.00 10.50-12.50 10.50-13.50 10.50-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50
  (ii)    Sugar Industry 11.25-18.00 11.25-17.50 11.25-17.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-19.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00
  (iii)   Other Agriculture 11.50-19.50 11.50-18.50 11.50-18.25 11.25-18.50 11.25-19.00 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50 11.25-19.50
  (iv)   EPZ 11.50-18.50 11.50-18.50 11.50-18.50 10.50-19.50 10.00-20.00 10.00-22.50 10.00-22.50 10.00-22.50 10.00-22.50 10.00-22.50 10.00-20.00 10.00-20.00 10.00-20.00
  (v)    DC 11.50-17.50 11.50-17.50 11.50-17.50 11.75-18.50 11.75-19.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00
  (vi)   Small-scale Industries 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 12.50-19.50 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 12.50-20.00 10.75-20.50
  (vii)  Transport 12.25-19.50 12.25-19.50 12.25-19.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50
  (viii)  Hotels 12.50-18.00 12.50-18.50 12.50-18.00 13.50-18.50 13.50-19.00 13.50-18.50 13.50-18.50 13.50-18.50 13.50-18.50 12.50-18.50 12.50-18.50 12.50-18.50 12.50-18.50
  (ix)   Other Industries and Manufacturers 12.50-19.50 12.50-19.50 12.50-19.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.00 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50
  (x)    Statutory and Parastatal Bodies 13.00-16.50 13.00-16.50 13.00-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50
  (xi)   Housing 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 11.50-20.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50
  (xii)  Traders 14.00-21.00 14.00-21.00 14.00-19.50 10.00-19.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-21.50
  (xiii)  Stock Brokers 16.00-17.50 12.00-17.50 12.00-17.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50
  (xiv)  Financial Institutions 16.00-17.50 15.50-17.50 15.50-17.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50
  (xv)   Personal and Professional 13.50-19.50 13.50-19.50 13.50-19.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-21.00 10.00-24.00 10.00-24.00 10.00-24.00 10.00-24.00
  (xvi)  Other Customers 14.50-19.50 14.50-19.50 14.50-19.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50
II. DEPOSITS                          
 1.  Savings 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
 2.  Seven Days' Notice 8.00-9.00 8.00-8.50 8.00-9.00 8.00-9.25 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-12.25 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00
 3.  Fixed Deposits                          
 (i)     Up to 3 months 8.00-10.00 8.00-9.00 8.00-9.25 8.00-9.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-11.50 9.00-10.50 9.00-10.50
 (ii)    Exceeding 3 and up to 6 months 8.00-10.00 8.00-9.50 8.12-9.62 8.12-9.50 8.12-10.50 9.00-10.50 9.13-10.75 9.00-11.00 9.13-10.50 9.00-11.00 9.00-11.25 9.00-11.06 9.00-12.00
 (iii)   Exceeding 6 and up to 12 months 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 8.12-10.00 8.12-11.75 9.25-11.50 9.00-11.50 9.25-12.00 9.25-12.00 9.25-12.00 9.00-12.00 9.00-12.00 9.00-12.00
 (iv)   Exceeding 12 and up to 18 months 8.37-10.00 8.37-9.25 8.37-10.00 8.37-10.25 8.37-11.75 9.37-11.50 9.50-11.25 9.50-11.13 9.50-11.50 9.50-12.00 9.50-12.00 9.50-12.00 9.50-12.00
 (v)    Exceeding 18 and up to 24 months 8.50-10.00 8.50-9.50 8.50-9.25 8.50-11.00 8.50-11.50 9.50-11.50 9.50-11.50 9.50-11.50 9.50-12.00 9.38-11.50 9.38-11.50 9.38-11.50 9.38-11.50
 (vi)   Exceeding 24 and up to 36 months 8.25-11.00 8.25-11.00 8.25-11.00 8.25-11.25 8.62-11.50 9.37-11.75 9.63-11.50 9.63-11.75 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.00
 (vii)  Exceeding 36 and up to 48 months 9.00-11.00 9.00-12.50 9.00-11.00 9.00-11.50 9.00-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.63-12.00 9.75-12.00 9.75-12.00
 (viii) Over 48 months 9.00-14.00 9.00-14.00 9.00-14.00 9.00-11.50 9.00-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25
1 As on the last day of the month.