Table 30: Exchange Rate of the Rupee (Period Average)
Indicative Feb-00 Mar-00 Apr-00 May-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00
Selling Rates                  
Australian dollar 16.247 15.773 15.445 15.079 15.597 15.547 15.416 14.757 14.279
Belgian franc(100) 62.819 61.747 60.581 58.428 61.644 61.398 59.341 57.607 57.234
French franc 3.863 3.796 3.726 3.593 3.789 3.775 3.649 3.530 3.517
Deutsche mark 12.956 12.733 12.495 12.050 12.713 12.660 12.236 11.840 11.317
Hongkong dollar 3.351 3.354 3.353 3.376 3.404 3.417 3.426 3.446 3.491
Indian rupee(100) 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 59.091 59.000 59.333
Italian lira(1000) 13.088 12.862 12.623 12.163 12.789 12.763 12.360 11.960 11.912
Japanese yen(100) 23.611 24.251 24.529 24.089 24.732 24.466 24.512 24.929 24.914
Kenya shilling(100) 35.713 37.287 35.209 34.702 34.271 34.857 35.054 34.441 34.440
New Zealand dollar 12.701 12.695 12.837 12.258 12.337 12.175 11.825 11.122 10.830
Singapore dollar 15.338 15.229 15.294 15.225 15.359 15.318 15.543 15.471 15.559
South African rand 4.135 4.048 3.940 3.748 3.836 3.874 3.845 3.757 3.659
Swiss franc 15.741 15.517 15.489 15.140 15.934 15.969 15.435 15.140 15.250
US dollar 25.748 25.792 25.803 25.980 26.194 26.320 26.402 26.541 26.937
Pound sterling 41.235 40.730 40.807 39.181 39.507 39.689 39.301 38.096 39.126
Euro1 25.341 24.903 24.437 23.569 24.866 24.761 23.933 23.158 23.066
1 Effective 1 January 1999, the euro (EUR) was introduced replacing its precursor, the ECU, on a one-to-one basis.
Note: With effect from October 1998, the daily average exchange rate of the rupee is based on the average selling rates
           for T.T.& D.D. of all commercial banks.