Table 14:  Auctions of Treasury Bills 
(Rs million)
    Auctions held on Total  
    6-Oct-00 13-Oct-00 20-Oct-00 27-Oct-00 Sep-00 Oct-00
1. Amount of Bills put on Tender 700 1,200 800 600 4,250 3,300
2. Value of Bids Received 690 875 787 317 3,530 2,669
3. Value of Bids Accepted 578 769 750 317 3,480 2,414
4. Value of Bills Maturing 1 739 1,175 654 432 3,413 2,999
5. Net Issue of Bills (3 - 4) -161 -406 95 -114 68 -585
1 Figures exclude maturing Bills of the Secondary Market Cell.