Table 31 : Exchange Rate of the Rupee (Period Average)
Indicative Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01
Selling Rates                  
Australian dollar 14.757 14.279 14.510 15.368 15.621 15.086 14.352 14.324 15.045
Belgian franc(100) 57.607 57.234 58.727 62.195 65.266 64.332 63.935 63.085 62.581
French franc 3.530 3.517 3.611 3.827 4.014 3.956 3.933 3.880 3.849
Deutsche mark 11.840 11.317 12.112 12.836 13.461 13.268 13.189 13.012 12.907
Hongkong dollar 3.446 3.491 3.589 3.635 3.635 3.649 3.670 3.694 3.736
Indian rupee(100) 59.000 59.333 60.273 61.000 61.100 61.882 62.000 62.000 62.318
Italian lira(1000) 11.960 11.912 12.228 12.960 13.597 13.402 13.323 13.143 13.036
Japanese yen(100) 24.929 24.914 25.505 25.100 24.043 24.308 23.465 23.076 23.732
Kenya shilling(100) 34.441 34.440 35.581 36.075 36.149 36.498 36.912 37.241 37.188
New Zealand dollar 11.122 10.830 11.092 12.073 12.503 12.282 11.922 11.616 12.199
Singapore dollar 15.471 15.559 16.028 16.325 16.319 16.343 16.182 15.900 16.057
South African rand 3.757 3.659 3.650 3.708 3.650 3.645 3.636 3.570 3.659
Swiss franc 15.140 15.250 15.580 16.612 17.220 16.904 16.796 16.649 16.460
US dollar 26.541 26.937 27.688 28.034 28.027 28.169 28.319 28.481 28.809
Pound sterling 38.096 39.126 39.499 40.935 41.441 40.945 40.950 40.889 41.130
Euro1 23.158 23.066 23.689 25.106 26.327 25.950 25.795 25.448 25.244
1 Effective 1 January 1999, the euro (EUR) was introduced replacing its precursor, the ECU, on a one-to-one basis.    
Note: With effect from October 1998, the daily average exchange rate of the rupee is based on the average selling rates
           for T.T.& D.D. of all commercial banks.