Table 10: Sector-wise Distribution of Commercial Banks' Credit to the Private Sector as at end February 2000
Figures rounded to nearest rupee
Sectors Overdrafts Loans1 Bills Bills Total
      Purchased & Receivable  
1.  Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 2,654,828 0 0 0 2,654,828
2.  Sugar Industry - Estates 895,500,482 2,024,647,829 9,365 0 2,920,157,676
3.  Sugar Industry - Others 162,386,039 94,089,280 26,173,758 0 282,649,077
4.  Other Agricultural Interests 213,273,632 199,367,222 1,363,927 0 414,004,781
5.  Export Enterprise Certificate Holders 3,677,382,259 1,920,713,510 162,309,274 263,636,742 6,024,041,785
6.  Development Certificate Holders 393,119,010 797,146,813 4,696,250 146,397,553 1,341,359,625
7.  Agricultural Development Certificate Holders 39,125,844 17,450,494 0 0 56,576,338
8.  Export Service Certificate Holders 101,948,238 59,647,976 9,872,627 0 171,468,840
9.  Pioneer Status Certificate Holders 82,755,557 84,135,690 2,843,632 619,259 170,354,138
10. Housing Development Certificate Holders 6,966,095 19,939,892 0 0 26,905,987
11. Hotel Management Certificate Holders 343,171,102 625,497,591 0 1,950,392 970,619,084
12. Small Scale Industries 143,109,056 108,819,253 509,490 0 252,437,799
13. Ex-Dc Industries 319,569,304 102,486,881 0 26,318,907 448,375,092
14. Other Industries & Manufacturers 2,319,304,273 2,535,783,906 10,640,081 175,140,400 5,040,868,660
15. Industrial Building Enterprise Cert. Holders 72,607,186 122,036,852 0 0 194,644,038
16. Strategic Local Enterprise Cert. Holders 2,434,568 0 0 0 2,434,568
17. Housing (including Rodrigues) 305,235,454 6,071,181,825 112,187,200 0 6,488,604,479
18. Hotels (other than item 11 above) 1,160,686,119 1,565,337,607 0 0 2,726,023,726
19. Transport 124,478,506 503,326,675 36,370 0 627,841,551
20. Statutory and Para-Statal Bodies 875,385,709 532,880,858 0 0 1,408,266,566
21. Building Contractors, etc. 1,242,687,543 1,599,564,889 0 0 2,842,252,432
22. Traders 4,633,657,056 3,427,208,640 139,345,156 1,038,733,022 9,238,943,874
23. Stock Brokers 113,349,123 5,654,418 0 0 119,003,541
24. Personal & Professional 2,219,433,572 4,275,736,502 221,902,326 0 6,717,072,400
25. Financial Institutions 743,093,973 319,114,462 49,775 0 1,062,258,209
26. Other Customers 1,347,975,899 1,157,130,310 9,935,959 45,213,050 2,560,255,217
Total 21,541,290,424 28,168,899,375 701,875,190 1,698,009,325 52,110,074,314
Investment in Shares and Debentures     11,537,707,655
TOTAL CREDIT TO PRIVATE SECTOR         63,647,781,969
1 Includes Loans and Other Financing in Foreign Currencies.