Table 24: Transactions on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius
  Official Market
Period Number Average
  of SEM-71 SEMDEX Value of Volume of
  Sessions     Transactions Transactions
        (Rs'000) ('000)
Jun-98 22 107.49                456.42                  5,547                     244
Sep-98 22 116.09                485.22                10,735                     429
Dec-98 22 110.24                460.85                  5,190                     137
Mar-99 20 101.60                426.40                  6,467                     271
Jun-99 22 99.56                409.82                  5,381                     251
Sep-99 21 98.79                406.37                  5,833                     307
Dec-99 22 104.12                428.87                  5,940                     300
Mar-00 23 100.61                421.53                  8,207                     357
Jun-00 22 98.35                407.77                22,774                  4,612
Jul-00 21 98.87                408.69                  6,229                     474
Aug-00 22 97.17                402.10                  5,930                     558
Sep-00 19 97.83                403.07                  8,433                     472
Oct-00 21 99.42                406.62                  6,009                     411
Nov-00 22 98.50                403.99                  6,959                     414
Dec-00 19 95.28                393.06                  3,834                     220
Jan-01 20 94.71                390.48                  5,215                     289
Feb-01 17 95.30                395.79                  6,397                     255
Mar-01 20 94.80                394.80                  6,383                     347
Apr-01 21 93.96                398.10                84,392                  2,777
May-01 22 89.91                389.70                  5,707                     297
Jun-01 21 90.94                387.88                  6,513                     344
1 The SEM-7 started with an index value of 100 on 30 March 1998.
Source: Stock Exchange of Mauritius.