Table 10: Sector-wise Distribution of Commercial Banks' Credit to the Private Sector as at end June 2001
Figures rounded to nearest rupee
Sectors Overdrafts Loans1 Bills Bills Bills Total
      Purchased & Receivable Discounted  
      Discounted   Contra  
1.  Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 103,912,078 139,350 0 0 0 104,051,428
2.  Sugar Industry - Estates 2,173,270,589 2,424,531,937 13,134,365 0 0 4,610,936,891
3.  Sugar Industry - Others 325,949,858 88,592,768 86,731 214,795 0 414,844,152
4.  Other Agricultural Interests 290,943,486 240,257,724 9,153,740 24,349,803 0 564,704,753
5.  Export Enterprise Certificate Holders 3,749,509,680 2,422,060,446 221,553,471 320,171,552 0 6,713,295,149
6.  Development Certificate Holders 536,919,669 1,286,682,639 1,884,821 103,712,340 0 1,929,199,469
7.  Agricultural Development Certificate Holders 5,263,947 5,299,953 0 1,443,180 0 12,007,080
8.  Export Service Certificate Holders 107,112,431 54,817,949 0 1,500,771 0 163,431,151
9.  Pioneer Status Certificate Holders 93,243,113 97,753,060 4,928,766 11,975,245 0 207,900,184
10. Housing Development Certificate Holders 7,545,514 1,801,677 0 0 0 9,347,191
11. Hotel Management Certificate Holders 564,848,687 1,230,272,358 0 0 0 1,795,121,045
12. Small Scale Industries 133,011,787 69,841,242 18,400 7,611,932 0 210,483,361
13. Ex-Dc Industries 212,565,134 104,920,232 300,000 7,686,885 0 325,472,251
14. Other Industries & Manufacturers 2,060,950,232 2,364,749,725 14,670,926 207,384,746 0 4,647,755,629
15. Industrial Building Enterprise Cert. Holders 186,402,151 169,194,318 0 0 0 355,596,469
16. Strategic Local Enterprise Cert. Holders 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Housing (including Rodrigues) 233,605,827 6,509,738,219 20,916,978 0 0 6,764,261,024
18. Hotels (other than item 11 above) 568,515,941 2,879,320,812 600,000 0 0 3,448,436,753
19. Transport 138,726,261 496,101,335 0 77,594 0 634,905,190
20. Statutory and Para-Statal Bodies 1,532,906,501 925,423,418 0 0 0 2,458,329,919
21. Building Contractors, etc. 1,196,277,784 1,678,765,196 280,183 7,731,998 0 2,883,055,160
22. Traders 5,128,838,952 3,597,200,009 117,669,888 934,652,226 0 9,778,361,076
23. Stock Brokers 293,240,572 10,060,468 0 0 0 303,301,040
24. Personal & Professional 2,735,661,179 4,627,313,741 377,805,512 22,002,853 0 7,762,783,286
25. Financial Institutions 1,296,257,367 1,208,257,698 3,356,589 9,061,393 0 2,516,933,047
26. Other Customers 1,765,643,722 1,739,207,007 31,003,912 45,182,013 0 3,581,036,654
Total 25,441,122,461 34,232,303,283 817,364,281 1,704,759,325 0 62,195,549,350
Investment in Shares and Debentures           11,523,612,493
TOTAL CREDIT TO PRIVATE SECTOR           73,719,161,843
1 Includes Loans and Other Financing in Foreign Currencies.