Table 14:  Auctions of Treasury Bills 

Table 14:  Auctions of Treasury Bills 
(Rs million)
      Auctions held on   Total  
    1-Jul-99 8-Jul-99 15-Jul-99 22-Jul-99 29-Jul-99 Jun-99 Jul-99
1. Amount of Bills Put on Tender 1,000 750 1,200 1,000 1,000 3,900 4,950
2. Value of Bids Received 445 682 767 838 730 1,772 3,462
3. Value of Bids Accepted 441 681 763 833 730 1,683 3,448
4. Value of Bills Maturing 171 698 956 667 420 3,917 2,912
5. Net Issue of Bills(3-4) 270 -17 -193 166 310 -2,234 536
Figures exclude maturing Bills of the Secondary Market Cell.