Table 12

Table 12 : Components and Sources of Broad Money (M2)
(End of Period) (Rs Million)
  Jun-98 Sep-98 Dec-98 Mar-99 Apr-99 May-99 Jun-99
Components of Broad Money            
1. Currency with Public 4,651 4,812 5,833 5,000 5,001 5,014 4,876
2. Demand Deposits with the Banking System 5,501 5,966 5,759 5,530 5,786 5,720 6,030
I. Narrow Money, M1 (1+2) 10,152 10,778 11,592 10,530 10,787 10,734 10,906
1. Savings Deposits 28,244 29,400 30,477 31,648 31,597 31,413 31,830
2. Time Deposits 26,234 26,284 27,406 29,224 29,582 29,843 30,239
3.  Foreign Currency Deposits 6,248 5,613 5,954 6,366 6,520 7,000 7,229
II. Quasi-Money (1+2+3) 60,726 61,297 63,837 67,238 67,700 68,256 69,298
Broad Money, M2 (I+II) 70,878 72,075 75,429 77,767 78,486 78,990 80,204
Sources of Broad Money            
1. Bank of Mauritius 14,869 14,121 13,867 16,038 15,366 15,082 15,315
2. Commercial Banks 6,249 5,245 5,778 6,039 6,177 6,332 6,772
I. Net Foreign Assets (1+2) 21,118 19,366 19,645 22,077 21,543 21,414 22,087
1. Bank of Mauritius 2,453 3,252 4,831 3,655 4,233 4,069 4,576
2. Commercial Banks 14,905 14,361 13,152 12,869 12,582 12,866 11,437
A. Net Credit to the Central Government (1+2) 17,358 17,613 17,983 16,524 16,815 16,935 16,013
1. Bank of Mauritius 476 530 570 556 587 560 575
2. Commercial Banks' Claims on Private Sector 49,941 52,723 56,653 57,832 57,878 59,250 60,106
3. Commercial Banks' Claims on Other Bank-like Institutions 152 152 152 33 33 33 33
B. Credit to the Private Sector (1+2+3) 50,569 53,404 57,374 58,421 58,498 59,843 60,714
II. Domestic Credit (A+B) 67,927 71,017 75,358 74,945 75,313 76,778 76,727
III. Net Non-Monetary Liabilities 18,167 18,308 19,574 19,255 18,370 19,202 18,610
Broad Money, M2 (I+II-III) 70,878 72,075 75,429 77,767 78,486 78,990 80,204
Note: Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.