The Bank of Mauritius once again
draws the attention of the public to the provisions of the law relating to
transacting of banking business, offshore banking or deposit-taking business,
all of which are regulated under the Banking Act 1988 and defined as follows:
"banking business" means -
(i) the
business of accepting deposits of money repayable on demand or after fixed periods
or after notice, by cheque or otherwise; and
(ii) the employment of such deposits in
making or giving loans, advances, overdrafts or similar facilities for the
account and at the risk of the person accepting such deposits.
banking" means banking business or investment banking business conducted
in currencies other than the Mauritian rupee except to the extent permitted by
the central bank for trading on the foreign exchange market of Mauritius and
investment in money market instruments.
business" means the business of accepting deposits of money and the employment
of such deposits to finance the specific business activities of the non-bank financial institution accepting such
No person in
Mauritius is authorised to do any banking business, offshore banking or
deposit-taking business without being duly licensed or authorised by the Bank
of Mauritius.
The law
further provides that every licensee, under the Banking Act 1988, shall at all
times display its licence or authorisation in a conspicuous place in the public
part of its every place of business.
The public is
reminded not to deal with any party alleging to be a bank or deposit-taking
institution without first ascertaining whether it holds a banking licence or
deposit-taking authorisation as specified above.
A list of domestic
and offshore banks licensed to transact banking business or offshore banking
and non-bank financial institutions authorised to transact deposit-taking
business in Mauritius is displayed on the notice board in the Banking Hall of
the Bank of Mauritius and is given on the next page.
1. Bank
of Baroda
2. Banque Nationale de Paris
3. Barclays Bank PLC
4. Habib
Bank Limited
5. Indian
Ocean International Bank Limited
6. South
East Asian Bank Ltd
7. State
Bank of Mauritius Ltd
8. The
Delphis Bank Limited
9. The
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
10. The
Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd
African Asian Bank Limited
Bank of Baroda
3. Banque Internationale des Mascareignes Ltée
4. Banque Nationale de Paris Intercontinentale
Barclays Bank PLC
Deutsche Bank (Mauritius) Limited
7. Investec
Bank (Mauritius) Limited
8. P.T
Bank Internasional Indonesia
9. SBI International
(Mauritius) Ltd.
10. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited
Financial Institutions Authorised to Transact Deposit-taking Business
1. B.N.P.I. Leasing Company Ltd
2. Finlease
Company Limited
3. General
Leasing Co. Ltd
4. Mauritius
Housing Company Ltd
5. Mauritius
Leasing Company Ltd
6. MUA
Leasing Company Ltd
7. SBM
Lease Limited
8. State
Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd
July 1999