Table 25: Consumer Price Index1 and Inflation Rate
Month 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
January 109.0 119.4 126.9 133.7 145.9 105.5 114.6 120.0
February 110.2 119.9 127.4 134.3 145.9 106.0 114.9 120.6
March 110.7 120.8 128.2 134.3 146.2 106.7 115.1 121.0
April 111.1 121.0 128.8 134.9 146.1 107.4 115.6 120.9
May 114.0 122.6 129.0 135.6 146.7 108.0 115.8 121.0
June 114.7 123.2 129.8 139.6 147.9 109.6 117.4 121.0
July 115.4 123.2 130.0 140.4 103.0 109.7 117.8 121.3
August 116.3 123.8 131.4 141.7 103.3 110.0 118.3 121.7
September 117.2 124.2 131.7 141.7 103.6 112.1 118.5 121.9
October 117.3 124.2 132.4 142.3 103.5 112.7 118.5 124.6
November 117.9 124.9 132.9 142.5 103.6 113.1 118.9 124.8
December 118.5 125.6 133.1 142.9 103.9 113.4 119.6 125.2
Average 114.4 122.7 130.1 138.7 147.8 109.5 117.1 122.0
Inflation Rate +10.5 +7.3 +6.0 +6.6 +6.6 +6.8 +6.9 +4.22
(Per Cent)                
1From July 1992 to June 1997, the base period was July 1991 - June 1992 = 100.  A new base period (July 1996 to June 1997 = 100)
  has been introduced as from July 1997.
2 Inflation rate for calendar year 2000.
 Source: Central Statistical Office, Government of Mauritius.