Table 12: Components and Sources of Broad Money (M2)
(End of Period) (Rs million)
  Jun-99 Sep-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00
Components of Broad Money                      
1. Currency with Public 4,876 4,322 6,127 5,132 5,172 5,267 5,255 5,407 5,407 5,379 6,648
2. Demand Deposits with the Banking System 6,030 5,833 5,877 5,867 5,894 6,504 5,803 6,140 5,744 5,989 6,651
I. Narrow Money, M1 (1+2) 10,906 10,155 12,004 10,999 11,065 11,771 11,058 11,548 11,151 11,368 13,299
1. Savings Deposits 31,830 34,085 34,525 36,107 35,702 35,814 36,437 36,369 36,308 36,616 37,786
2. Time Deposits 30,239 31,638 33,094 33,607 33,939 33,742 34,569 35,271 35,468 36,459 34,801
3.  Foreign Currency Deposits 7,229 7,282 7,276 7,252 8,228 8,316 8,118 8,290 8,377 9,271 9,001
II. Quasi-Money (1+2+3) 69,298 73,005 74,895 76,966 77,869 77,872 79,124 79,930 80,152 82,345 81,588
Broad Money, M2 (I+II) 80,204 83,160 86,899 87,965 88,935 89,643 90,182 91,478 91,303 93,713 94,887
Sources of Broad Money                      
1. Bank of Mauritius 15,315 15,696 18,425 18,214 17,455 17,067 16,925 16,895 16,986 24,395 24,840
2. Commercial Banks 6,772 6,526 7,120 6,537 7,254 6,554 5,964 6,428 6,693 7,328 8,188
I. Net Foreign Assets (1+2) 22,087 22,222 25,545 24,751 24,709 23,621 22,889 23,323 23,679 31,723 33,028
1. Bank of Mauritius 4,576 4,384 2,281 2,298 3,002 3,615 4,023 4,373 4,103 (1,865) (1,135)
2. Commercial Banks 11,437 13,009 15,416 15,929 15,464 15,054 15,072 15,255 14,823 14,520 14,766
A. Net Credit to the Central Government (1+2) 16,013 17,393 17,697 18,226 18,466 18,669 19,095 19,628 18,926 12,655 13,631
1. Bank of Mauritius Claims on Non-bank Financial Institutions 575 541 506 475 435 422 408 396 382 368 356
2. Commercial Banks' Claims on Private Sector 60,106 61,896 62,521 64,137 67,271 68,435 69,077 69,323 69,423 70,066 70,570
3. Commercial Banks' Claims on Other Bank-like Institutions 33 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284
B. Credit to the Private Sector (1+2+3) 60,714 62,721 63,311 64,895 67,990 69,140 69,769 70,003 70,089 70,718 71,210
II. Domestic Credit (A+B) 76,727 80,113 81,008 83,121 86,456 87,809 88,864 89,631 89,015 83,373 84,841
III. Net Non-Monetary Liabilities 18,610 19,175 19,654 19,907 22,230 21,787 21,571 21,476 21,391 21,383 22,982
Broad Money, M2 (I+II-III) 80,204 83,160 86,899 87,965 88,935 89,643 90,182 91,478 91,303 93,713 94,887
Note: Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.