Table 30 : Exchange Rate of the Rupee (Period Average)
Indicative May-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 Oct-99 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-00
Selling Rates                  
Australian dollar 16.006 16.693 16.786 16.446 16.545 16.636 16.378 16.424 16.902
Belgian franc(100) 63.552 65.343 65.277 66.896 66.260 67.645 65.449 64.238 64.595
China yuan 2.945 - - - - - - - -
French franc 4.100 4.018 4.014 4.113 4.074 4.159 4.025 3.952 3.972
Deutsche mark 13.751 13.475 13.462 13.793 13.664 13.948 13.499 13.252 13.322
Hongkong dollar 3.302 3.310 3.320 3.315 3.316 3.318 3.322 3.334 3.337
Indian rupee(100) 60.000 59.818 59.955 59.818 59.000 59.000 59.810 60.000 60.000
Italian lira(1000) 13.888 13.622 13.586 13.933 13.801 14.089 13.635 13.386 13.457
Japanese yen(100) 20.811 21.062 21.306 22.484 23.786 24.063 24.418 25.016 24.457
Kenya shilling(100) 37.261 35.057 35.284 34.614 34.049 34.148 34.598 35.081 36.665
New Zealand dollar 14.020 13.557 13.439 13.421 13.324 13.141 13.130 13.057 13.223
Singapore dollar 14.961 15.017 15.186 15.334 15.186 15.374 15.469 15.477 15.513
South African rand 4.150 4.224 4.223 4.203 4.258 4.231 4.213 4.219 4.245
Swiss franc 16.782 16.531 16.420 16.833 16.627 17.119 16.447 16.191 16.179
US dollar 25.286 25.375 25.434 25.420 25.438 25.446 25.521 25.597 25.641
Pound sterling 40.796 40.471 40.009 40.805 41.247 42.148 41.356 41.265 42.015
Euro1 26.899 26.360 26.332 26.980 26.725 27.280 26.398 25.918 26.056
1 Effective 1 January 1999, the Euro (EUR) was introduced replacing its precursor, the ECU, on a one-to-one basis.
(i)  With effect from October 1998, the daily average exchange rate of the rupee is based on the average selling rates
        for T.T.& D.D. of all commercial banks.
(ii)  With effect from 10 June 1999, there are no dealings for the China yuan.