Table 3: Bank of Mauritius - Assets
(Rs million)
of Special Balances Treasury Eligible Total1   Treasury Advances Total ON NON-BANK ADVANCES ASSETS ASSETS
Period Drawing With Bills Securities     Bills and and   COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL      
  Rights Banks         Government Discounts   BANKS INSTITUTIONS      
1997 666.2 5,725.6 106.1 8,787.0 15,341.5   504.5 911.7 1,416.1 250.0 378.9 165.9 504.4 18,056.8
1998 771.1 4,546.2 118.6 8,393.6 13,866.6   1,303.5 3,405.7 4,709.3 475.0 570.0 238.4 430.1 20,289.4
1999 562.0 7,579.5 122.1 10,160.0 18,425.3   2,107.7 80.5 2,188.2 250.0 506.4 133.8 451.6 21,955.3   47.3 451.7 21,955.4
2000 597.4 13,054.6 41.0 11,098.5 24,840.0   1,487.7 671.4 2,159.1 250.0 356.4 86.9 377.0 28,069.4
Mar-98 686.1 5,454.0 40.2 9,103.0 15,308.2 569.4 21.5 590.8 250.0 415.4 146.6 471.5 17,182.5
Jun-98 704.5 4,568.5 154.2 9,333.9 14,869.0 906.1 1,458.1 2,364.2 250.0 476.2 634.8 462.0 19,056.1
Sep-98 704.6 4,307.8 32.1 9,039.3 14,120.6 432.1 2,716.3 3,148.4 250.0 529.6 195.7 448.6 18,693.0
Dec-98 771.1 4,546.2 118.6 8,393.6 13,866.6 1,303.5 3,405.7 4,709.3 475.0 570.0 238.4 430.1 20,289.4
Mar-99 538.8 4,874.5 599.9 10,016.5 16,038.4 1,257.7 2,294.5 3,552.2 250.0 556.1 212.6 420.6 21,029.9
Jun-99 537.2 4,520.5 158.2 10,078.3 15,314.9 1,322.4 3,161.5 4,483.9 250.0 574.7 829.3 474.4 21,927.1
Sep-99 557.8 4,923.9 123.5 10,089.6 15,696.4 865.1 3,430.0 4,295.1 250.0 540.9 325.9 462.0 21,570.4
Dec-99 562.0 7,579.5 122.1 10,160.0 18,425.3 2,107.7 80.5 2,188.2 250.0 506.4 133.8 451.6 21,955.3
Jan-00 560.2 8,061.5 92.9 10,196.9 18,913.3 1,540.9 357.4 1,898.3 250.0 493.3 207.6 454.6 22,217.1
Feb-00 554.3 7,691.1 91.4 10,216.8 18,555.4 1,968.4 0.0 1,968.4 250.0 488.4 106.3 430.8 21,799.3
Mar-00 556.8 7,350.2 80.8 10,224.0 18,213.5 1,875.2 320.8 2,196.0 295.5 474.6 179.5 398.8 21,757.9
Apr-00 550.7 6,855.6 79.9 10,239.9 17,728.0 1,800.1 607.9 2,408.0 344.7 463.4 110.1 397.1 21,451.3
May-00 557.8 6,257.5 76.6 10,328.4 17,222.2 1,078.2 1,516.7 2,594.9 628.3 448.3 97.5 390.3 21,381.5
Jun-00 566.4 6,333.9 39.0 10,396.5 17,454.8 1,899.1 1,089.4 2,988.5 623.4 435.0 91.6 387.4 21,980.7
Jul-00 559.9 5,917.9 77.4 10,428.1 17,067.3 2,187.0 1,379.2 3,566.2 669.0 421.7 114.7 381.6 22,220.4
Aug-00 559.7 5,785.1 37.7 10,473.5 16,925.5 1,817.6 2,148.7 3,966.3 263.5 408.2 105.4 387.9 22,056.8
Sep-00 560.9 5,717.5 38.1 10,513.4 16,895.2 1,672.7 2,608.3 4,281.0 304.3 396.2 109.6 384.1 22,370.3
Oct-00 571.5 5,497.2 38.8 10,827.2 16,986.5 1,691.7 2,311.7 4,003.4 250.0 381.6 102.9 382.4 22,106.8
Nov-00 586.8 12,647.7 39.0 11,070.6 24,395.2 721.8 855.8 1,577.6 304.2 368.2 99.5 385.3 27,130.0
Dec-00 597.4 13,054.6 41.0 11,098.5 24,840.0 1,487.7 671.4 2,159.1 250.0 356.4 86.9 377.0 28,069.4
Jan-01 594.2 9,921.1 0.0 11,127.9 21,657.8 2,065.8 0.0 2,065.8 250.0 342.1 77.7 393.3 24,786.7
Feb-01 603.0 9,426.0 0.0 11,227.0 21,259.4 1,622.5 212.2 1,834.7 250.0 329.1 97.5 398.7 24,169.4
Mar-01 594.5 9,578.0 0.0 11,271.2 21,447.1 2,230.1 0.0 2,230.1 250.0 316.4 109.2 409.2 24,762.0
Apr-01 599.9 9,759.2 0.0 11,316.6 21,678.9 1,794.3 0.0 1,794.3 450.0 303.9 90.0 425.8 24,742.9
May-01 603.1 9,307.2 0.0 11,463.8 21,376.5 2,217.7 0.0 2,217.7 253.0 291.9 117.6 434.8 24,691.5
Jun-01 607.5 10,208.1 0.0 11,623.8 22,561.6 2,334.3 0.0 2,334.3 253.0 281.2 107.8 455.4 25,993.3
Jul-01 615.3 10,003.1 0.0 11,672.9 22,373.1 1,787.9 171.0 1,958.9 548.2 268.7 101.5 452.1 25,702.5
1 Includes foreign notes and coins and suspense account interest receivable. Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.