Table 24: Transactions on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius
  Official Market
Period Number Average
  of SEM-71 SEMDEX Value of Volume of
  Sessions     Transactions Transactions
        (Rs'000) ('000)
Mar-98 21 100.00          422.11          10,834               572
Jun-98 22 107.49          456.42            5,547               244
Sep-98 22 116.09          485.22          10,735               429
Oct-98 21 106.21          447.43          14,043               524
Nov-98 21 109.32          456.35            6,818               214
Dec-98 22 110.24          460.85            5,190               137
Jan-99 19 109.54          458.93            9,108               270
Feb-99 17 105.74          444.64            4,374               147
Mar-99 20 101.60          426.40            6,467               271
Apr-99 22 98.51          414.11            4,670               118
May-99 21 95.62          400.87          16,060               479
Jun-99 22 99.56          409.82            5,381               251
Jul-99 22 97.47          405.74            7,330               384
Aug-99 22 95.34          395.87            6,440               317
Sep-99 21 98.79          406.37            5,833               307
Oct-99 21 98.33          407.94            3,792               165
Nov-99 21 99.64          409.98          19,395            1,054
Dec-99 22 104.12          428.87            5,940               300
Jan-00 19 105.16          437.13            8,562               312
Feb-00 20 103.82          433.13            8,825               369
Mar-00 23 100.61          421.53            8,207               357
1 The SEM-7 started with an index value of 100 on 30 March 1998.
Source: Stock Exchange of Mauritius.